In art, I hope to bring visual elements together in surprising ways, letting them impact each other, and form solutions not previously imagined.
Oil, acrylic, gouache, ink, wax and paper are the building blocks of my creative process - and I often highlight the "scraps" - the parts of the materials typically left behind or thrown away.
In this way, my work attempts to capture what we toss aside, forget to see, or have decided is not of value. For me, this process reinforces my feelings about our planet, and the struggle to stay in reality about the climate crises that is, and will, impact every living organism on earth.

All of my work holds the poignant knowledge that our climate is in crisis. Everything I see holds the grief of what we are all poised to lose.
My artistic work is my attempt to engage with the unfolding climate catastrophe and the misuse of nature and each other. I strive to bring the range of our vulnerabilities, complexities, and diversity into the canvas imagery - covering the broad swath of feelings and the surprising ways we connect, living on a shared earth, provoked by our planetary upheaval to come together in ways we had not known was possible.

Featured artist in the National Climate Assessment, a preeminent source of climate information for the United States.
The U.S. Global Change Research Program, in collaboration with Smithsonian Institution, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Science Foundation, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, invites artists to engage in the development of the Fifth National Climate Assessment by creatively visualizing climate change in the United States.
05 / 22 / 2023
Village Theatre Art Gallery
Danville, CA
The Art of a Story ~ 13th annual juried exhibit
“Go Ask Alice”
“Grapes of Wrath”
“Sleeping Beauty”
07 / 15 / 2023
Rebellion exhibit
Online international online group exhibition.
“Go Ask Alice”
3rd annual Emotions 2023
International online group exhibition and published in The Book of Arts: Emotions .
“Go Ask Alice”
GearBox Gallery Oakland
Within Sight or From Imagination Aug 6-Sept 9 2023
"The Way We Were" & "NorCal7"
Falkirk Cultural Center
San Rafael, CA
Mixing it up with Mixed Media Exhibition
August 11-September 15, 2023
"Collision Pending"
The Firefly Artists Gallery
90 Main Street in Northport NY
Works on Paper Exhibition
"Hills Alive"
8/5/23 - 10/5/23
Exhibition & Publication
8/5/23 - 10/5/23
Unreal 2023
a dual juried exhibition and publication on surrealist art
"Go Ask Alice"
8/1/23 - 11/30/23
Marin Society of Artists
ALL ABOUT WOMEN 2023 Exhibition
Virtual Gallery
"Grapes of Wrath"
8/1/23 - 11/30/23
Astonish Magazine
July 2023
"The Last Icicle"
8/1/23 - 8/30/23
HMVC Gallery, New York
Website and Virtual Gallery
Work featured on a jumbotron in Times Square, August 2023.
"The Way We Were"